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Ann P.

What was it like before you came to see us?

I have been a healthy eater yet I had been up and down in weight for 3 years. I had been losing and gaining in Weight Watchers. I realized when I ate sugar, I craved it more and ate it often. My lower abdomen was usually distended and painful for a long time. I would eat and I would bloat. I felt very tired and stressed most of the time. I slept often and had low energy during the day. I was feeling somewhat depressed and frustrated with feeling so lethargic and stressed.

How is it now?

After 3 months of following the eating plan and supplements, I am refreshed. I have found I do not get sick often and I have so much more energy. My abdomen feels great and I have no more distress and bloating. I have been able to lose the weight and continue to slowly lose within my range. I think the biggest change has resulted in dealing with my stress. I find that it does not overcome me and I have been able to create a more balanced life. I feel more in control and physically I couldn’t feel better. I sleep a restful sleep and I feel satisfied nutritionally. I feel that if I veer off the eating plan, I do feel tired and sick almost immediately. I have told myself the off limits foods are poison to my system. I have found cooking very easy, I eat often and don’t have any cravings.

Partnered with Standard Process

Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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