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Joe R.

What was it like before you came to see us?

Our grandson was addicted to prescription drugs for 6 years. We tried to kick the habit on his own, but could not. A clinic had him attend the 12 step program and prescribed him Suboxone, but soon was addicted to this drug that was to help him. He felt ashamed, had chest pains, could not concentrate, anxiety, insomnia, short memory, and the list went on and on. Out of state, holistic center I was recommended with thousands of dollars in cost and loss of his job. After an overdose, our chiropractor recommended Dr. Johnson at Total Health Care in Menomonee Falls, WI.

How is it now?

We could see the healing process after 1 ½ weeks! His body is still in repair state, but the withdrawal symptoms have been eliminated, eating habits improved 100% and no longer needs up to 5 cans of soda and a ton of sugar! Back, leg and chest pains are gone and concentration is better. This treatment changed his life and we would recommend this natural approach to anyone who has an addiction to opioids (prescription drugs). Best of all it is right in our own community! There should be clinics such as this for people who want help without more prescription drugs to get addicted to! Remember the next opioid pill could be your last!

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Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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