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Nancy S.

What was it like before you came in to see us?

I had hives on my face and lips. Every day I was taking Benadryl and sleeping all the time from the medication. My allergist could only suggest Benadryl and avoiding certain foods, but I continued to have hives daily. My digestion has been a problem for 20 years. I had horrible pains from gas daily. I took so much aspirin to control the pain that I started bleeding in my stool. I had a colonoscopy that revealed my colon was normal and that I had irritable bowel syndrome. The doctor offered some diet advice – it didn’t help much. I continued to have gas and pain.

How is it now?

My hives are under control with the wonderful standard process products that Dr. Marty recommended. My digestion is the best that it has been in 20 years. I rarely have gas or pain now. Dr. Marty has really helped me with my poor digestion. The supplements and diet he put me on have helped my digestion so much.

Partnered with Standard Process

Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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