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What was it like before you came in to see us?

I love to say that before I came in, I felt pretty healthy. I watched my diet by eating the appropriate amount of calories I needed to maintain my healthy weight. I would eat only a small dessert after a full day of eating well. I worked out 4-5 times per week with cardio and weights. I thought I was doing really well. The only symptom at the time that I noticed was that I was very forgetful at the age of 30. I was constantly gassy and bloated, “blurby stomach” which I figured was just a normal occurrence with getting older. I wanted to think that my forgetfulness was getting more frequent. This is when I decided to see Dr. Marty.

How is it now?

Now I feel so much better! I found out that I have an intolerance to wheat. When I eat wheat I get my old symptoms of bloated, and gassiness back! When I changed my diet, I started to remember things. Now I’m the person reminding others. My skin is better and cleaner! I used to get acne cysts on my chin and I don’t get them anymore. I have a much better understanding of my body and how it reacts to things I eat. Though my diet is improved greatly, I realize I am still a work in progress and will continue to make small changes to continue making it better!

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Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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