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Learn about the values and history of Total Health

Our mission is to provide the education, support, and facilities that can lead to transforming people’s health and lives physically, spiritually, and emotionally and to positively transform the health and lives of our patients by using our tools, education, and resources to find root causes of health concerns, provide natural solutions, and guidance on living a healthier lifestyle.

Our Core Values:

1. High Level of Knowledge in Natural Health

When you visit Total Health, you don’t just get the years of experience from our dedicated local team, you also get access to the wisdom of natural health experts from around the country.

Our health coaches network weekly with doctors and natural health professionals from around the United States to discuss the latest research in epigenetics, cellular health, detoxification, and dietary strategies to down-regulate inflammation that can lead to the weakening of the body, causing multiple symptoms and disease.

2. Reliability

We want you to trust us with your health and know we have your best interests in mind. So we always explain the problems we see, the reasoning for the treatments we suggest, and address any questions you have. If you call in with a question, your practitioner will call you back within a reasonable time frame.

Together, our clinical team has the experience, tools, and knowledge to deal with a myriad of health concerns. However, if we feel your problem is outside of our area of expertise, we will let you know. We will then make an effort to refer you to the right practices or physicians, to help you heal. The treatments we provide are natural and non-toxic and aim to always do more good than harm to your body. Side effects are rare but do let us know if you experience any.

3. Honesty & Integrity

All our practitioners believe in treating the whole person, not focusing on the symptoms of an illness. Our treatments are always tailored around what your specific body needs are, based on fairly accurate tests. We care about your overall health: mental, emotional, and physical.

“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” – Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine

We want to see our patients’ health improve. Therefore, we provide a space that is comfortable to talk about health concerns, and how you are responding to different supplementation and treatments. We will continue to tweak your health plan, as your body heals itself: changing doses, adding new supplements, or removing ones that are no longer needed while explaining our reasoning.

4. High-Quality Products

In our clinic, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality nutritionally based whole food supplements and dietary guidance. You can be assured that you will never find any products with GMO's, artificial colors or flavors. Whenever possible we obtain independent lab assays on the products we carry to verify purity and truth in labeling.

5. Helpful Service

At Total Health, you’ll get the help you need to shop with confidence. Because our store and clinic are in the same building. Our retail staff is highly trained, and our practitioners spend time on the sales floor. When you shop at Total Health, you’ll never feel overwhelmed and you’ll always get reliable answers to your questions.

History of Total Health Nutrition Center

Our Expansion Over 30 Years

Total Health has grown its mission from its humble beginning in 1990 as a small 1,000 square foot retail store in Menomonee Falls to a full clinic established in 2001. Clinic growth really took off with the move to a 5,500 square foot state of the art facility featuring a retail store and a clinic. Plus, a conference room to deliver educational seminars in Menomonee Falls. Employment grew from just 3 clinic employees to 4 practitioners and 3 support staff members.

Opening New Berlin Store and Clinic

Our recent expansion in 2018 is spreading our mission even further to New Berlin and the surrounding area. We have a new facility located on the corner of Moorland and National Ave. This beautiful facility features a full 2,000 square foot health supplement retail store, along with a clinic that offers many natural health services. 

Have a question?

Marty shares some of his most fascinating discoveries and provides answers to the most commonly asked questions.

How can it be that I'm still having trouble losing weight even though I exercise regularly and I eat healthy?

Did you know that just like insulin resistance is another name to describe Type II Diabetes, there is a condition called weight loss resistance that describes an inability to lose weight, especially in all the areas that frustrate you most? Areas like the belly, behind the arms, and the upper back.

For certain individuals, weight loss resistance will plague them despite their very best efforts with diet and exercise. In order to reverse this weight loss resistance, you must get to the source of the issue, before the body will release its fat stores to be burned as fuel. We liken weight-loss resistance to a bank account. If you are weight loss resistant, your body does not rapidly access fat to burn as fuel, sort of like putting your money in a retirement account. It sits there and accumulates, but is not easily accessed for immediate usage.

We want to use fat more like we use a checking account we can easily tap into when we need to burn fuel for energy. If you’ve said “enough is enough” and you're ready to take the next step, call us for a now to schedule a no-charge phone consult to help determine if we can be of assistance to you in your goal to take back your health.

What is the best probiotic to take?

I recommend a probiotic with a potency of at least 20 billion and as high as 100 billion that contains multiple strains of beneficial bacteria.

In addition, I never suggest sticking to one type of probiotic for more than two months at a time. Your intestines have many strains of good bacteria bugs and if you keep feeding the same strains of bacteria from one particular product, you will create a strain-specific imbalance in the intestine which can add to the original gut problems or imbalance.

It is best to switch up the probiotics you take with different bacteria strain combinations, thus adding variety to your intestines to create a stronger environment, improving gut health along the way.

What is the best multi-vitamin/mineral supplement to take?

Many multi-vitamin/mineral products on the market are synthetic, which means they are isolated, fractionated nutrients that are dead. Synthetic vitamin/mineral products are derived from a non-living substance in a lab. We recommend live, whole food multi-vitamin/minerals. These vitamins are derived from real food and put into a pill form.

Even though synthetic vitamins are a direct molecular match to what your body uses as nutrients, it is missing the enzymes and other co-factors found in real food. When you consume a synthetic vitamin, your body views it as an unrecognizable substance. This is definitely not the way nature intended it to be. In order to metabolize a synthetic vitamin, the body will sacrifice its own enzymes and nutrient co-factors that are not present in the synthetic product. This means that the synthetic vitamin is actually causing other deficiencies and is counterproductive to take in the long run. Because whole food vitamins already contain all the substances that real food contains, the body doesn't have to give anything up in order to metabolize it. This, of course, makes the whole food vitamin and mineral products we offer at Total Health a clear winner.

Still not convinced? Read testimonials from satisfied clients.

I have been a client for years and have experienced quite a transformation in my health. Marty Johnson possesses immense knowledge on topics my regular MDs knew nothing about (heavy metal toxicity and detox challenges being my main issues). The entire staff here is very friendly and knowledgeable. I consider Total Health Nutrition Center an excellent resource and a much-needed support system for my health and well-being.

Elizabeth Bisswurm

I have been going here for over two years. My mom brought me here after I was in the hospital for six days. I was diagnosed with a hepatic blood clot; a clot to the liver,. Diabetes, and fatty liver. I am now not diabetic, blood clot gone, and no more fatty liver. They are great helping with diet, exercise, and supplements. They explain things and listen to everything because they connect it all together. Still need to go and work on something but I couldn't have done it without them! They are a wonderful supportive team.

Mary Schroeder

Almost 3 years ago now, I had horrible fatigue, back pain, neck pain, chest pain, horrible stomach pain, migraines, pain in my neck, troubles sleeping, depression, and half the food I ate made everything worse. I couldn't function normal half the days of the week. My normal doctor just diagnosed me as having IBS. Total Health found what was actually wrong with my body (root problems not symptoms) and treated those problems with natural solutions. It took at least 6 months before I noticed significant changes. But, today I have no ongoing pain anymore and depression issues. I got my life back, thanks to Total Health Nutrition Center!

Marty is a great doctor who truly cares about his patients.

Jena Ann

Partnered with Standard Process

Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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Visit one of our natural health stores in Menomonee Falls or New Berlin to shop in person.


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