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The root cause

The intestines are designed to absorb nutrients from passing food. Intestinal walls can become expanded or damaged due to chronic inflammation from the chemicals in processed food and the environment. This leads to larger pores for other molecules to be absorbed into the bloodstream. These molecules can end up anywhere—in joints, an organ, or even attached to nervous tissue.

These molecules were never meant to pass through the intestine. The immune system will label these molecules as foreign objects and attack those substances. This process naturally creates inflammation, because the body is signaling there is an issue. It also causes histamine release from immune cells called mast cells. This is how new sensitivities to foods appear.

What causes food sensitivities?

Food sensitivities are caused by the body’s inability to break down certain ingredients or foods. For some, food sensitivities cause only mild discomfort. For others, food intolerances cause a great deal of stress and anxiety and keep people from enjoying the foods they once found pleasure in consuming.

Eliminating food sensitivity

Getting to the root cause of food sensitivity means isolating the substances that are causing inflammation in the intestines. We use blood tests to isolate allergens. Then, our holistic practitioners create a plan that systematically eliminates triggers from the diet while prescribing herbal remedies that work with the body to alleviate the symptoms of inflammation. Some of the most common causes of food insensitivities are ingredients in common foods including:

  • Gluten
  • Caffeine
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Artificial Sweeteners

At Total Health, we take a holistic approach to eliminating food sensitivities by reducing inflammation and alleviating your symptoms with herbal remedies, nutrition counseling and more. Whether you’ve delayed seeking help identifying and addressing your suspected food intolerances or you’ve been dealing with food sensitivities for years with little success, the holistic and naturopathic practitioners at Total Health will work to uncover the root cause of your intolerances and help you find effective, drug-free relief.

Contact us today to schedule a free initial phone consultation for either our Menomonee Falls or New Berlin locations.

We are now serving Brookfield, Brown Deer, Butler, Germantown, Menomonee Falls, Mequon, Milwaukee, Muskego, New Berlin, Sussex, Wauwatosa, West Allis, West Bend, Waukesha, & beyond.

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Clinical Services

Our team of holistic practitioners determines the best way to alleviate your symptoms based on non-invasive testing and your wellness goals. We target the root cause of inflammation & heavy metal toxicity at the cellular level so that you can take back control of your health instead of managing symptoms. Our most popular clinical services include:

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in Menomonee FallsNew Berlin

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Additional Resources

Food Sensitivity

Food Sensitivity

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains why people develop food sensitivities, allergies, and gut problems.

The Secret to Food Sensitivities and Healing Root Causes

We have more food allergies now more than ever. But why?

REAL Customer Testimonials & Reviews

What was it like before you came in to see us? I was sick with a bad respiratory infection in February of 2008 and I couldn’t seem to get rid of a nagging lingering cough. I coughed mostly in the morning only. As time went by, the cough was definitely morning only and I would usually cough for about an hour. I just wasn’t feeling well. I couldn’t even describe it to the doctors. I had been an avid runner all year round and I couldn’t even think about exercise let alone run. It felt as though my body was inflamed, mostly in my lung area. So I went to an allergist first for the cough. After 4 se... Read More

- Cathy R.

What was it like before you came to see us? I felt terrible all the time. My stomach was consistently bloated. I was had arthritis on my feet, knees, and fingers. By the end of the day, my ankles would be swollen and hurting. I had shortness of breath when going up a small flight of steps. I ate way too many carbs and sweets. I always craved salty and sugary foods. Bread was one of my favorite staples. My heart was bad, I had thyroid issues, I was anxious and my health was not balanced at all.  How is it now? I feel great. I have always been into taking supplements but probably not the right o... Read More

- Cindy

What was it like before you came in to see us? From age 28 until 58, I had been sick and miserable. My stomach bloated all the time like a woman who was 9 months pregnant. I felt ill after everything I ate and was totally constipated. I had back pain all over. Some days I laid all day on a heating pad. I had seen several doctors over the years but they only treated the symptoms. How is it now? I came to Total Health in July 2009. Marty Johnson found several food allergies. Within two days, I was off of all stomach medication and could eat once again. My constipation was gone, and my back pain ... Read More

- Eileen K.

What were your main health concerns when you first walked into Total Health? Low energy, stress, and an itchy scalp. What has been your favorite improvement in your health thus far? No more itching! What was the most valuable thing you have learned on your health journey? I have to listen to my body and make adjustments to my diet. If you could encourage someone about why to start their own health journey with the Total Health team, what would it be? They will learn a clean way to take care of their body. Are there any other comments or observations you would like to pass to us? Total Health’s... Read More

- Jane

Almost 3 years ago now, I had horrible fatigue, back pain, neck pain, chest pain, horrible stomach pain, migraines, pain in my neck, troubles sleeping, depression, and half the food I ate made everything worse. I couldn’t function normal half the days of the week. My normal doctor just diagnosed me as having IBS. Total Health found what was actually wrong with my body (root problems not symptoms) and treated those problems with natural solutions. It took at least 6 months before I noticed significant changes. But, today I have no ongoing pain anymore and depression issues. I got my life back, ... Read More

- Jena

What was your health like before you came to see us? I had severe spine problems; infections, nasal passage problems, sneezing, constant congestion, post nasal drip, loss of taste and smell. Also allergies to certain foods- corn, wheat, most grains, probably causing digestion discomfort. A lot of discomfort in colon, bloating, and constipation. How is your health now? Within 3 months I have improved with the sinus condition – congestion is gone, my taste and smell is coming back, my sneezing is gone, and no more nasal drip. Treatment for the colon (no gallbladder) within last 2 weeks, the bloa... Read More

- K.H.

What was it like before you came to see us? I was struggling with my digestion, constipation, hemorrhoids, and bloating.  Another issue that I wanted to change was an increased feeling of my thyroid. A blood test that my doctor took showed us abnormality, but I would feel that my thyroid gland didn’t feel normal. How is it now? I feel very good. My digestion has increased tremendously, and I know now that I shouldn’t eat wheat products! The bloating is gone 100%. Bowel movements have increased and I have lost 5 pounds. My thyroid feels normal and my family who didn’t see me in 1 year said that... Read More

- Leonore S.

What was it like before you came in to see us? I had hives on my face and lips. Every day I was taking Benadryl and sleeping all the time from the medication. My allergist could only suggest Benadryl and avoiding certain foods, but I continued to have hives daily. My digestion has been a problem for 20 years. I had horrible pains from gas daily. I took so much aspirin to control the pain that I started bleeding in my stool. I had a colonoscopy that revealed my colon was normal and that I had irritable bowel syndrome. The doctor offered some diet advice – it didn’t help much. I continued to hav... Read More

- Nancy S.

What was it like before you came to see us? I was experiencing problems with digestion that was giving me discomfort to the point of not being able to work a full day. Pain and discomfort in my intestines was miserable and my energy level in the afternoon was so low that I found myself needing a two-hour nap. Many foods that I normally ate were giving me problems. I knew after seeing my regular doctor that I needed to do something different. We had purchased vitamins from Total Health in the past. I knew of the clinic so I came in to try their exam. How is it now? I was a little skeptical at f... Read More

- Nathan G.

Over 24 years ago I was diagnosed with Lactose Intolerance. Dairy products were removed from my diet. Years later I discovered the enzyme Lactase that allowed me to add some dairy foods back into my diet. Over the past 10 years my digestive problems increased and I learned that there were other digestive enzymes on the market. I began to experiment and was using 2-4 capsules of digestive enzymes plus Lactase with every meal just so that I could digest food without the typical gas and diarrhea. I spent some time with a general care doctor and went through a battery of test that came up negative... Read More

- Rich

What was it like before you came to see us? Before I came to see Dr. Johnson, I was miserable. I was stuffy and congested, had shortness of breath, my eyes burned and itched, and I was tired all the time. I felt my allergies were getting worse as days went by. I was also bloated, constipated, had frequent headaches, muscle aches and stiffness. My diet was not balanced and had too much sugar. How is it now? Dr. Johnson helped me with new eating habits and supplements. I felt so much better. In two weeks I could breathe better, my eyes felt 100% better. I was not bloated and constipated anymore.... Read More

- Sandra

What was it like before you came to see us? Before coming in, I had a lot of pain from acid reflux and pressure tension headaches. My body seemed totally unbalanced with an unending myriad of allergic reactions to many unknown things. I was afraid of eating just about everything except very bland foods. After months of no improvements, I began to despair of ever feeling any better. How is it now? After coming in I was greatly relieved to have these strange symptoms addressed & the root causes uncovered and treated with whole food supplements. It was wondrously simple and noninvasive. Everythin... Read More

- Sandra W.

What was it like before you came to see us? I constantly had a stomach ache and had no energy since I didn’t feel good. How is it now? I very rarely have a stomach ache. I feel 100% better after giving up dairy, wheat, and most sugars. As a bonus, I lost about 50 lbs. Read More

- Sara

What was your health like before you came to see us? I was tired, depressed, miserable and felt sick all the time. My blood sugar was up and down all day. I had stomach aches that I didn’t realize because I had them all the time. I had “IBS” so bad that sometimes I had to stop at gas stations, Walgreens, McDonalds, places I knew had clean bathrooms to go. I was in bad shape. How is your health now? My blood sugar is completely under control. I don’t feel like I have to lay down every day at 3-4. This is the first year of my life that I haven’t gone into a seasonal depression. I feel GREAT afte... Read More

- Tabitha

What was it like before you came in to see us? I love to say that before I came in, I felt pretty healthy. I watched my diet by eating the appropriate amount of calories I needed to maintain my healthy weight. I would eat only a small dessert after a full day of eating well. I worked out 4-5 times per week with cardio and weights. I thought I was doing really well. The only symptom at the time that I noticed was that I was very forgetful at the age of 30. I was constantly gassy and bloated, “blurby stomach” which I figured was just a normal occurrence with getting older. I wanted to think that... Read More

- Tania

Meet your practitioners

Connie Hurley-Pronley

M.S., Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Certified Red Light Therapy Practitioner


Coming from a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist, Connie has always been dedicated to helping people, and her passion for natural health stemmed from being a Total Health client for almost 20 years. After becoming certified as a PraiseMoves Instructor and Biblical Health Coach, Connie was motivated to pursue holistic health coaching. She studied and obtained further certification as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a Gluten-Free Practitioner, as well as a Certified Red Light Therapy Practitioner.

Martin Johnson

DHM, Owner and Natural Health Consultant


Martin has spent over 30 years researching and educating people how to take back their health. He can be found guest lecturing throughout the year on natural health topics. He has a passion to help identify root causes of health conditions and help turn the momentum of his client’s health in a positive direction.

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Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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