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Total Health Podcast

with Martin Johnson, DHM

The mission of the Total Health Podcast is to provide the education and support that will lead to transforming peoples health so they can live a more effective, productive and happier life the way God intended for them.

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Food Sensitivity

Food Sensitivity

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains why people develop food sensitivities, allergies, and gut problems.

Marty Johnson's Story

Listen in as you hear how Marty Johnson started his health transformation over 25 years ago, and why he is so passionate about giving as many people the hope of better health too.


In this episode Marty Johnson helps you understand what may cause the discomfort that many people have with dealing with digestion issues.

Why do I have Bloating and Gas discomfort?

Bloating & Gas Discomfort

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains to us how to resolve some common digestion issues that many people have that can be related to our gallbladder

Digestive issues like nausea, and dry skin, hair, and nails

Do you have digestion issues like nausea, or bloating? Listen in as Marty Johnson explains why this is the case.

Thyroid Health

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains 3 reasons why you may be having thyroid symptoms that your Doctor may have not told you. Why your blood work can look normal and you still don't feel well.

Thyroid Health Part 2

Thyroid Health

Marty Johnson explains why Thyroid medication doesn't work. How the real problem is usually Autoimmune related and why this is happening. Also, the reasoning behind Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, Colitis, Lupus, and Crohn's disease.

How the Small Intestine Helps with Digestion

How the Small Intestine Helps with Digestion

Listen as Marty Johnson explains how the small intestine works to absorb food, and how inflammation occurs leading to chronic illnesses.

Healing Digestive Problems

Healing Digestive Problems

Listen as Marty Johnson explains what Total Health recommends to heal digestive issues, and why it helps with an explanation on how the large intestine works.

The Huge Problem with Toxins & How to Detox

Listen in as Marty Johnson helps you understand why toxins are becoming a huge problem and how they effect your health. Plus, advice on how to properly detox.

Difference Between Naturopathic and Regular Medicine

Difference Between Naturopathic and Regular Medicine

Listen in as Marty Johnson helps you have a deeper understanding on the difference between a Naturopath and a Regular Medicine Practitioner. Learn how a Naturopath can more effectively help with ongoing illnesses.

Understanding Cholesterol Numbers


Listen in as Marty Johnson explains the different blood work markers that you get when you have your cholesterol checked. Plus, what they mean and what kind of numbers you really should be looking for. In addition, Marty shares natural solutions to address underlying problems.

Anti-Aging Skin Care

Anti-Aging Skin Care

Listen in as Marty Johnson from Total Health Nutrition Center talks about a plant-based cream that will help with anti-aging. It has been shown to improve wrinkles, smoothness of the skin, renewal, radiance, and hydration.

Potential Hidden Causes of Headaches or Migraines

Potential Hidden Causes of Headaches or Migraines

Listen in to Marty Johnson's latest podcast about the different reasons why people suffer from frequent headaches. You may be surprised by some of the answers.


Listen in as Marty Johnson explains why and how CBD provides health benefits, what the criteria is for the products we sell at Total Health, and the importance of healthy fats (plus lab test), and the necessity of them when using CBD Oil.

The Power of Protein

The Power of Protein

Listen in as Marty Johnson shares surprising information on how many people lack protein, or the proper proteins their body needs to function optimally. Many proteins are not converted into body proteins providing the amino acids that are essential for the body. Find out symptoms to see if you are deficient.

Natural Products for Anxiety

Listen in as Marty Johnson, founder of Total Health Nutrition Center, discusses products to combat anxiety naturally.

Natural Products for Pain Relief

Natural Products for Pain Relief

Listen in as Marty Johnson talks about natural products for managing pain, and what to combine them with for more effective results.

Paige's Story with Natural Ways to Combat Autoimmune Disorders

Paige's Story with Natural Ways to Combat Autoimmune Disorders

Listen in as Paige Welsh, from Total Health Nutrition Center tells her story on how she combated her autoimmune condition. Hear her practical advice on how she reduced her triggers and how she got her health back on track.

Long-Term Effects of Stress & How to Manage It

Listen in as Paige Welsh helps you understand what stress does to the body, the reasons why this happens, and the long term effects of not managing it. Learn practical ways to manage stress that are easy to do on your own.

Total Health Nutrition Center Store

Join both Marty Johnson and Christian Olson as they talk about what makes Total Health Nutrition Center Store stand out from the other health stores out there.

Physical Therapy (Fascial Counterstrain) Testimonial

Listen to Janell Strupp, Physical Therapist and Fascial Counterstrain Specialist at Total Health Nutrition Center, interview Bonnie about how Fascial Counterstrain improved her debilitating pain when nothing else helped.

Reasons Why It Is Hard to Lose Weight

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains the common reasons why people struggle to lose weight, and how we can improve those health issues to make weight loss easier.

Reasons for Chronic Fatigue

Reasons for Chronic Fatigue

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains what organs could be affecting your energy level causing you to be fatigued. Plus, how to address these health concerns.

Combating ADHD Naturally

Listen in as Total Health's very own Paige Welsh talks about natural ways to help decrease the affects of ADHD symptoms in both children and adults.

Adrenal Health

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains the importance of adrenal health for many vital functions, what causes them to stay in survival mode, and the problems they cause. Marty says 90% of his patients have problems with their adrenals.

Seasonal Allergies Natural Remedies

A person sneezing who has allergies, and needs seasonal allergies natural remedies.

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains reasons why people get allergies, and how to help relieve the symptoms and boost your immune health at the same time.

Battling The Latest Virus Strains of 2023

Battling The Latest Virus Strains of 2023

Listen in as Marty Johnson and the Total Health team discuss the latest viruses of 2023 and how to best protect yourself going into cold season.

Adrenal Health Part 2

Listen as Marty Johnson explains the tests we can provide at Total Health to determine if a person has adrenal problems, and how to properly address the adrenal problems so the body can heal itself.

Advanced Fascial Counterstrain to Relieve Pain

Listen in as Marty Johnson interviews the newest addition to the Total Health team- Janell Strupp PT, CPI. Hear how she can outsmart pain and dysfunction with advanced fascial counterstrain. With this technique people have found relieve from pain stemming from multiple dysfunctions within the body, including acute or chronic neck pain, back pain, headache, shoulder, knee or hip pain.

Natural Energy Boosters for a Lack of Energy

A person with low energy, who is falling asleep working and doesn't know about natural energy boosters.

Listen in as Paige Welsh explains why people have low energy, and how to combat it naturally by getting to the root of the problem.

Reducing Inflammation through Nutrition with Paige

Listen in as Clinical Nutritionist Paige Welsh shares with you what inflammation is, how you become inflamed, why addressing it is important, and how to reduce inflammation through nutrition.

Reasons People have Inflammation with Marty

Reasons People have Inflammation with Marty

Listen in as Marty Johnson, owner of Total Health Nutrition Center and Naturopathic Practitioner, explains why people have inflammation and how to decrease it naturally.

CBD Questions Answered

CBD Oil placed on a CBD Oil plant.

Marty Johnson answers all the most common questions he gets asked about CBD oil.

Fungal Overgrowth Symptoms & Treatments

Woman with bloating from fungal overgrowth symptoms

Listen in as Paige Welsh explains how a common fungal overgrowth might just be the problem to some of the most common symptoms like bloating, stubborn belly fat, fatigue, and sugar cravings. Also, learn how a fungal overgrowth can be properly treated.

Underlying Causes of Acid Reflux and Indigestion

A person with chest pain to show someone suffering from acid reflux.

Listen in as Paige Welsh explains unconventional causes of acid reflux and indigestion and some ways to combat it naturally. 

Nutritional Stress-Busters For Your Brain

Nutritional Stress-Busters For Your Brain

Listen in as Mona Eberle helps you understand what food does to the brain and what kind of nutrition to use to reduce stress in the brain.

Ideas on How to Fight Viruses Naturally

Image of virus strands to discuss ideas on how to fight viruses naturally.

Listen in as Kristine Stein talks about how she is keeping her immune system healthy, and taking care of her husband while he is fighting the COVID-19 virus.

Foods Bad for Brain Health

Multiple images of a brain scan to discuss brain health and foods bad for brain health.

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains the connection between what you eat and how it will affect your overall brain health. Find out foods bad for brain health, and how to heal by addressing problems at the cellular level.

Understanding Types of Fat to Explain Weight Loss Resistance

Understand the different types of fat to find out why sometimes people can't lose weight even when doing all the right things.

Listen in as Marty explains the reasons for weight loss resistance. Understand the different types of fat to find out why sometimes people can't lose weight even when doing all the right things.

Connection Between Hypothalamus and Weight Loss Resistance

Kristine explains the relationship between the Hypothalamus and weight loss resistance.

Listen in as Kristine explains the relationship between the Hypothalamus and weight loss resistance. She also explains the things that can harm the hypothalamus leading to weight loss problems, along with ideas to improve the functioning of the hypothalamus.

Protecting Skin Health During the Summer

Image of a girl on the beach getting some sun to discuss natural products for skin protection.

Listen to Marty Johnson share ways to protect your skin during the summer. Learn about some amazing products for skin protection including possible supplements to prevent sunburn.

How to Naturally Detox the Right Way & Why It's Important

An image of some juice to talk about how to naturally detox.

Detoxes help your body get rid of toxins, but did you know that can include medications, radiation, and even toxins from vaccines? Find out why, and how we prepare your body for a safe and effective detox.

Carrie Red Light Therapy Testimonial

Carrie discusses her experience with Red Light Therapy and the wonderful effects it had on her!

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy Podcast

Listen as Elly Johnson explains the benefits of using the most advanced Red Light Therapy on the market for fat loss, pain, cellular health and so much more.

Partnered with Standard Process

Standard Process partners with qualified health care professionals to distribute supplements, test kits, and other products that promote natural health. They are committed to providing clients with nutrients as they are found in nature to maximize their effectiveness. See top Standard Process products now:

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