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Total Health's weight loss program can help combat weight gain from a variety of medical conditions including:
It's Not Theory Wellativity = Expertise + Execution

Listen to real customer weight loss journeys and see their before & after photos. Total Health Nutritional Center has helped hundreds of people reach their ideal weight.

Underlying Contributors to Weight Gain

High caloric intake and low physical activity are well-known causes of weight gain. Many of our clients seeking to lose weight, however, are active people with healthy diets and exercise routines who come to us complaining of stubborn fat or unexplained weight gain.

When we dig deeper, we often find our clients are experiencing indicators of thyroid imbalances, fluid retention, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), constipation, inflammation or menopause complications- all issues which can present visibly with weight gain. Other common conditions we address when helping clients with weight loss are depression, anxiety, stress, diabetes and even side effects of certain medications.

3 secrets to long-term weight loss

Most people find it difficult to lose weight especially as they get older. You may have tried diets before and haven’t kept up with them, or you lost weight but didn’t create habits you could stick to long-term. No matter the cause our expert nutritionists, personal trainers & holistic practitioners are here to help.

We’ve done research to isolate techniques that will help our clients lose weight fast. We’ve found three important & related keys to weight loss:

  1. Sustainable weight loss starts at the cellular level.

Studies have shown there is a connection between cellular inflammation and hormone imbalances. Focusing your weight loss plan to reduce cellular inflammation by flushing toxins out of cells will improve cellular health & help you lose weight quickly.

  1. Hormone receptors are key to weight loss.

Healthy cells are more receptive to insulin and leptin, two hormones that regulate energy storage in the body. When your cellular health improves then hormone receptors work more effectively—helping you lose more weight.

  1. Long-term hormone imbalances have detrimental effects on the endocrine system.

When one part of the endocrine system malfunctions (such as when there is a thyroid disorder), other parts of the system overcompensate to balance hormones in the body. Balancing your endocrine system will create sustainable results. Your hormones will also be balanced so cellular health is preserved—leading to sustainable weight loss.

Our Approaches to Weight Loss

 Whatever the cause of your weight challenges, Total Health offers healthy solutions to help you lose weight safely. We focus on weight loss at the cellular level to help you eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation and balance your hormone responses for long-term success with weight loss and weight management. Depending on your individual health plan and goals, Total Health services we may recommend include:

Losing weight doesn’t have to be stressful and restrictive, so don’t let the thought of getting started hold you back any longer. Our expert holistic and naturopathic practitioners at Total Health make losing weight enjoyable and approachable, one step at a time. Schedule a free consultation with us to learn how losing weight with our natural, non-invasive approaches can make you feel better from the inside out and inspire lasting habits for a healthier lifestyle.

Contact Total Health Nutrition Center for a free phone consultation at either our Menomonee Falls or New Berlin clinics.

We are now serving Brookfield, Brown Deer, Butler, Germantown, Menomonee Falls, Mequon, Milwaukee, Muskego, New Berlin, Sussex, Wauwatosa, West Allis, West Bend, Waukesha, & beyond.

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Clinical Services

Our team of holistic practitioners determines the best way to alleviate your symptoms based on non-invasive testing and your wellness goals. We target the root cause of inflammation & heavy metal toxicity at the cellular level so that you can take back control of your health instead of managing symptoms. Our most popular clinical services include:

All Clinical Services


in Menomonee FallsNew Berlin

Our seminars show you how holistic medicine can change your life. We are ready to explain the science behind naturopathic medicine, weight loss resistance, thyroid hormone regulation, and chronic fatigue.

Check back soon! 2023 seminars are on their way!

Additional Resources

Reasons Why It Is Hard to Lose Weight

Listen in as Marty Johnson explains the common reasons why people struggle to lose weight, and how we can improve those health issues to make weight loss easier.

Understanding Types of Fat to Explain Weight Loss Resistance

Understand the different types of fat to find out why sometimes people can't lose weight even when doing all the right things.

Listen in as Marty explains the reasons for weight loss resistance. Understand the different types of fat to find out why sometimes people can't lose weight even when doing all the right things.

Connection Between Hypothalamus and Weight Loss Resistance

Kristine explains the relationship between the Hypothalamus and weight loss resistance.

Listen in as Kristine explains the relationship between the Hypothalamus and weight loss resistance. She also explains the things that can harm the hypothalamus leading to weight loss problems, along with ideas to improve the functioning of the hypothalamus.

Gaining Weight in Quarantine?

Gaining Weight in Quarantine?

Being home more hours than we like, with our refrigerators humming away in close proximity, many of us are being overwhelmed with food thoughts and cravings.

Are the “3 Amigos” Making You Fat?

   Are the “3 Amigos” Making You Fat?

The three hormones, or the “3 Amigos,” that have a great potential to make us fat.

3 secrets of weight loss

Learn the secrets to natural weight loss.

The Weight Loss – Detoxification Connection

There are many reasons why you may struggle with weight loss. But one of the most common is cellular toxicity, and here's what you can do about it.

REAL Customer Testimonials & Reviews

Losing weight, improving my nutrition, and increasing my energy levels throughout the day were my main concerns when I first walked into Total Health Nutrition Center. Throughout my health journey at Total Health, I learned to listen to my body and learned that victories aren’t always on the scale. Paige Welsh was a huge inspiration, she educated me about living a more holistic and healthy life by balancing my social, mental, and physical health. My favorite improvement thus far is my increase in energy levels and my overall healthy lifestyle change that was all achieved through Total Health. Read More

- Amy

My glucose went from 136 to 97 and my triglycerides went from 886 to 136! Thank you, Marty for all you have done for our family! My husband continues to lose weight and I am so thankful he has finally chosen to extend his life by taking care of himself. Read More

- Anne C.

What was it like before you came to see us? I have been a healthy eater yet I had been up and down in weight for 3 years. I had been losing and gaining in Weight Watchers. I realized when I ate sugar, I craved it more and ate it often. My lower abdomen was usually distended and painful for a long time. I would eat and I would bloat. I felt very tired and stressed most of the time. I slept often and had low energy during the day. I was feeling somewhat depressed and frustrated with feeling so lethargic and stressed. How is it now? After 3 months of following the eating plan and supplements, I a... Read More

- Ann P.

What was it like before you came to see us? Before I came to Total Health, I had chronic fatigue, blood vessels popping in my hands, painful knee joins, sluggish mentally, depression, digestive gas, bruised easily, and had ringing in my ears. How is it now? Now my mental alertness is much better. I don’t bruise easily or pop vessels in my hands. I have no gas, my knees don’t hurt at all, my depression is at least 75% better, I have more energy and I’ve lost 12lbs. I’ve changed the food I buy and eat and I’m enjoying buying size 4 & 6 pants instead of size 8. Read More

- Barb

To date, I have lost a total of 47lbs since I began the cleanse in August. I feel so much better! The cleanse really got me on the right path to eating smarter and healthier. Although I still have my moments of falling off the wagon, it’s much easier to get back on track. Thank you! Read More

- Christie

What was it like before you came to see us? I felt terrible all the time. My stomach was consistently bloated. I was had arthritis on my feet, knees, and fingers. By the end of the day, my ankles would be swollen and hurting. I had shortness of breath when going up a small flight of steps. I ate way too many carbs and sweets. I always craved salty and sugary foods. Bread was one of my favorite staples. My heart was bad, I had thyroid issues, I was anxious and my health was not balanced at all.  How is it now? I feel great. I have always been into taking supplements but probably not the right o... Read More

- Cindy

When I first came to see Marty Johnson, my main concern was high levels of cholesterol with secondary issues of hair loss, brittle nails, and leg cramps. I was given instruction on healthy eating habits along with aggregate supplements and daily aerobic exercise. I made a bold commitment to discipline myself to follow these guidelines faithfully (which is one important key to my success). It is now a permanent lifestyle which I reaping the benefits of victory over high cholesterol (secondary symptoms subsiding) and balanced overall health.   How is it now? Here are the stats: Age: 63 Sex: Fema... Read More

- Connie B.

What were your main health concerns when you first walked into Total Health Nutrition Center? Weight Loss, Fatigue, Nutrition What has been your favorite improvement in your health thus far? Increased Energy, Overall Healthy Lifestyle Changes What was the most valuable thing you have learned on your health journey? To listen to my body and not stare at the scale If you could encourage someone about why to start their own health journey with the Total Health team, what would it be? It is holistic wellness and the focus will always be on improving the priority concerns first at a pace most comfo... Read More

- Cynthia

Over the past few years my allergies have become more and more severe. It had gotten to the point that I was sick at work every day because of my sensitivity to fragrances. I was taking allergy medication every day and had been getting allergy shots for over three years. I had daily headaches, muscle aches, sore throat, difficulty breathing and congestion. A friend mentioned that I might have a food allergy and I should check it out. I made an appointment for food allergy testing with my doctor but as I was searching for information on the web I checked out Total Health Nutrition Center that I... Read More

- Darcy

What was it like before you came in to see us? Before I came to see Dr. Marty, I had the following health issues: Migraines weekly Constant pain in both hips Constant pain in my left knee High blood pressure 25+ pounds overweight I really had no energy. I always felt tired. I also had to have my two cups of coffee, every morning and a sugar fix (candy bar, brownie or homemade dessert) every afternoon. How is it now? I did the 3-week detox and didn’t cheat at all while on the detox. I also exercised 3-4 times per week. As a result, my migraines, hip pain, knee pain, high blood pressure and 25... Read More

- Doris

What was it like before you came to see us? I was overweight, feeling tired, borderline diabetic, and had borderline high blood pressure. How is it now? I am feeling more energetic. I have lost a total of 14lbs and have learned to watch the amount of sugars and carbs I consume. Read More

- Elizabeth S.

What was your health like before you came to see us? I was very sluggish with no energy. My cholesterol was very high and I had weight gain with other menopausal symptoms. How is your health now? Fantastic! My cholesterol is under control, I have a lot of energy and my weight is under control. My heat flashes are gone!! Read More

- G.E.

What was it like before you came to see us? I was in my sixties, when I heard about Total Health Natural Medicine Clinic. I was overweight, asthmatic, tired, and prone to anxiety. In fact I was so tired that I always had to decide whether I would take a nap before or after a job – or both! I also felt anxious over activities that had never bothered me before – even though seven grandchildren were a good excuse to feel anxiety. At my last doctor’s appointment, my cholesterol and blood sugar levels had risen too. At my age, I knew I had to make a commitment to improve my health.   How is it now?... Read More

- Georgia

What was your health like before you came to see us? I was very sluggish with no energy. My cholesterol was very high and I had weight gain with other menopausal symptoms. How is your health now? Fantastic! My cholesterol is under control. I have a lot of energy and my weight is also under control.  My hot flashes are gone! Read More

- Gretta

What was it like before you came to see us? I was overweight and had aching joints. I had gout and plaque buildup in my arteries as well. How is it now? I have noticed an 80% improvement. I feel younger and have more energy. I have lost weight and improved my health. Read More

- Irene

After working with Martin Johnson and the Total Health Complementary Medicine Clinic, I’ve nearly lost 22lbs in three weeks on a detoxification and cleanse program. Read More

- James

Working with Total Health Nutrition Center has me feeling better than I’ve ever felt in almost 25 years. Praise God and thank you Total Health! I am losing weight and my energy levels have improved. Read More

- Jeff

Looking back at my recent laboratory tests, which I had done on 9/7, they were within normal acceptable limits. With the help of Total Health Nutrition Center, working together we have cured the diabetes by my weight loss exercise and lifestyle changes. Read More

- John

What was your health like before you came to see us? Physically, I was overweight and my joints were stiff and sore. I had “brain fog” at various times and became easily overwhelmed at perceived difficult tasks or events. My emotions or feelings would be on an up and down cycle, with sometimes overeating to various life events. Also, my skin was dry around my eyes and hands. How is your health now? My weight has decreased (and this wasn’t my number 1 goal!) I am no longer experiencing stiffness or pain in my joints. I’m waking up in the morning feeling more rested. My ‘brain fog’ has disappear... Read More

- John D.

What was it like before you came in to see us? Before coming in, I had a lot of difficulty with anxiety, bloating, headaches. All around feeling lousy! I seemed to have very little energy and after walking up two flights of stairs, I would be breathless! I also ate a lot of the wrong foods. Too much sugar. I had a nervous feeling all the time. How is it now? After sticking with the new eating habits and taking supplements, I can honestly say I feel 100% better. I would recommend anyone who wants to improve their health and overall well-being to come and see Dr. Johnson. You won’t regret it. I ... Read More

- Kathryn

Since I’ve been working on my program with Total Health, I now find it easy to maintain my current ideal weight. The health and nutrition knowledge I received from Total Health is not only priceless, but empowering as well. Read More

- Katy

Before coming to Total Health, I was pretty much at my lowest point physically that I have ever been. After working on my program for 6 months I have lost weight, but most importantly my health is greatly improved. I feel so much better and energetic. Read More

- K.B.

What was your health like before? I had problems with persistent psoriasis, trouble falling asleep and relaxing, was overweight, and had ugly yellowish fingernails. How is your health now? I am still on topical medication for psoriasis but my skin has stayed the clearest it has been for as long as I can remember. My fingernails have improved as well. I have lost 15 pounds, fall asleep without a problem most nights, and have more energy than ever. Read More

- Kristine

I always knew for 20 years, I was overweight. What I didn’t know is what is was really doing to my body. The pasta, rice, ice cream, bread, accompanied with eating late, led to daily heartburn. Not being much of a fitness guru, exercise was something I never cared to do. Back in the summer of 2010, I found out I had arthritis in my left hip. Weight does play a role on your bodies joints. Forward to December of 2011, I had acquired Type 2 Diabetes, what was I to do? My doctor suggested I see a dietician/nutritionist. January of 2012, I purchased an elliptical exercise machine and started some b... Read More

- Luke

What was it like before you came to see us? I was very tired all the time. For many years I needed to lose some weight. I had a very poor diet and was not eating very nutritionally. How is your health now? Much improvement, thanks to Kristine and Nikki I have learned a lot about proper nutrition, toxins, and metals. Every visit I was given a lot of practical, useful information. I have lost about 14lbs. and have a lot more energy than I use to.  Read More

- Mary Ann

What was your health like before you came to see us? I have Crone’s and I was not feeling well. I didn’t know how to take better care of my health. How is your health now? I am doing so much better. I have lost 14 pounds and I am eating better and feeling great! I also have cut back on my regular meds from the doctor. Read More

- Michaela

What was it like before you came to see us? I constantly had a stomach ache and had no energy since I didn’t feel good. How is it now? I very rarely have a stomach ache. I feel 100% better after giving up dairy, wheat, and most sugars. As a bonus, I lost about 50 lbs. Read More

- Sara

What was it like before you came to see us? I generally felt a lack of energy and increasingly periods of highs & lows with regard to mental focus and agility. I was having some difficulties with weight fluctuation and sometimes a feeling of being bloated. At times I would also have periods of feeling anxious that would impact my general sense of well-being. How is your health now? I am making excellent progress. I feel much more focused and no longer feel that afternoon drop of energy. I no longer experience the feeling of always being tired and fatigued. My weight has steadily dropped 5 mont... Read More

- Steven

According to my clinic records from March 2006 to March 2007, I’ve lost a total of 30 lbs. This past Friday, I got out of bed and have a lot more energy than I have had in I don’t know how long. I can’t remember when my energy levels felt this good. The neat thing is that my energy level has stayed at a high all weekend, and even thru today. Read More

- Tammy

What was it like before you came to see us? I came to Total Health Natural Medicine Clinic on the recommendation of a couple of co-workers even though I felt healthy. I opt out of the health insurance offered at my job so I was looking for some health assurance. While I was working on healing a couple organs with low energy, I learned how to improve my already decent diet. I substituted whole wheat bread and tortillas with vegetables and low-sugar fruit. Now I pair a healthy protein with a fruit or vegetable for each of my 5-6 meals. Without going to the gym, I lost about 10-15 lbs. in four mo... Read More

- Teresa

What was it like before you came to see us? I was so sick of dieting and exercising with no results. It was like my body stopped responding to both. I felt bloated all the time, felt heavy, had mood swings, my periods were long, painful and frequent. My energy level was not what it used to be. I felt like a mess and I didn’t want to be on my way to being a fat, old, loser. I knew because I was over 50, that my metabolism would change, but I was not willing to go there! I’m so grateful that I found Marty Johnson- who put me on the purification program. How is it now? It’s so true that it takes ... Read More

- Vera

Meet your practitioners

Martin Johnson

DHM, Owner and Natural Health Consultant


Martin has spent over 30 years researching and educating people how to take back their health. He can be found guest lecturing throughout the year on natural health topics. He has a passion to help identify root causes of health conditions and help turn the momentum of his client’s health in a positive direction.

Cindy Welch

BS in Human Nutrition and MS in Clinical Nutrition


Cindy has a passion for nutrition which led to her career as a functional nutritionist. She received her bachelors degree in Human Nutrition and Masters degree in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. Cindy has worked for over 20 years with clients on improving their nutrition and positively empowering them to make lasting lifestyle changes that improve their health.

Elizabeth Johnson

BS, Certified Red Light Therapy Practitioner


Elly's background in tennis & bodybuilding, combined with her passion to help people, has led to her career here helping people become the best version of themselves through natural approaches. Red Light Therapy has changed her clients lives significantly, being a non-invasive solution for fat loss, pain management, skin rejuvenation, and so much more.

Lisa Lampe

HOCATT Practitioner


Lisa is the HOCATT technician at the New Berlin location. Lisa has been helping people reach new levels of healing through utilizing the HOCATT for its numerous health benefits.

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