Listen in as Marty Johnson helps you understand why toxins are becoming a huge problem and how they effect your health. Plus, advice on how to properly detox.
Like many people, you might find it difficult to lose weight, especially as you’ve gotten older. If you have low thyroid issues, losing weight can be especially hard. There are many reasons for this challenge, but one of the most common (and least discussed) is cellular toxicity. Certain common toxins have an affinity for the thyroid and can make it difficult for your thyroid to function properly, which lowers your metabolism and can lead to weight gain.
There are 5 common toxins that alter a thyroid hormone-metabolizing enzyme in the liver. These toxins can also trigger an autoimmune response in the thyroid, making it more difficult for your thyroid to convert the T4 hormone to T3. These toxins are
Halogens (AKA Goitrogens), including fluoride, chlorine, and bromine found in water, bread, and flame retardants. Of course, fluoride is found in toothpaste. Many municipalities add fluoride and/or chlorine to the water you drink and bathe in every day.
BPA, which is found in cosmetics, sealants, plastic, and lines the metal cans our food comes in.
Heavy metals, such as mercury or lead. Many older people have silver fillings in their teeth. These fillings are 50% mercury, which is known to be a toxic metal. Another common culprit is lead. While many of us no longer have lead pipes bringing water to our homes, if you or your parents grew up in a home with lead pipes it is likely that you have some level of lead toxicity. Lead toxicity can even be passed from a mother to her unborn child.
Pesticides, including glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. The World Health Organization (WHO) this year recognized glyphosate as a probable carcinogen.
PCBs and Dioxins, primarily from contaminated fish, meat, and dairy products.
At Total Health, we focus on caring for our client’s bodies at the cellular level. Removing these substances from your body through a process called detoxification is possible and can often lead to weight loss. It is important to know that detoxification, particularly heavy metal detoxification, is a complicated process and should be supervised to ensure that your body does not experience any adverse reactions. A detox should be tailored to your individual needs and toxic exposure. It should be supported with nutritional supplements. And, if you’re trying to lose weight, it should be combined with dietary variation techniques that can jump start weight loss. Just like experts recommend varying your exercise routine to improve your results, your diet should also be varied to ensure you achieve optimal results. Once your body is in balance, it will respond. You will look better, feel better, and most importantly, be healthier.
Give us a call 262-251-2929 to schedule a no-charge 10-minute phone consult with a natural health practitioner, to see how we can help!
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Listen in as Marty Johnson helps you understand why toxins are becoming a huge problem and how they effect your health. Plus, advice on how to properly detox.
Listen in as Marty Johnson explains the common reasons why people struggle to lose weight, and how we can improve those health issues to make weight loss easier.